Dynamic Penetrometer DM30

Light and Medium Dynamic Penetrometer DPL – DPM – Classification ISSMFE 1988 – UNI
with high capacity of data acquisition in each condition of use. Ideal for data acquisition campaigns for investigations on the side and difficult to reach places.
It comes standard with hydraulic extractor and allows the use of anti-friction coatings side.
Tecnichal data sheet: DM30_P15
You can execute:
dynamic penetration tests with striking hammer from 30 kg using tips to recovery or lose; it is possible the use of anti-friction coatings side.
surveys percussion, using a special core bit; you get a sample at a low degree of disturbance in the die of PVC (Ø 40 mm).
Engine Group: Hydraulic unit with a dual function, compact, lightweight and powerful; equipped with a combustion engine, 4-stroke, 5Hp power.
Driving system:
Hammer swing hydraulic weighing 30 kg with sweep rate of 50-60 strokes / min, based in treated steel, with housing for the thrust rods (Ø 22 mm) and lateral friction coatings.
Guide column and hydraulic extractor: Structure of guide for the execution of the penetrometer test, for the automatic increase of the impact mechanism, for the extraction of hydraulic rods, coatings and the core barrel.

Transport system of custom wheels for DM30 extremely compact
Penetrometer dynamic mean automatic, hydraulic extractor, self-propelled version of the wagon wheel independent and motriciGruppo locomotion–motoreCentralina hydraulic dual function, with the internal combustion engine, 4 stroke, 5Hp of power that allows both the movement of the equipment (by means of wheels) that the operation of the same.
Transport system crawler
Dynamic penetrometer automatic, hydraulic extractor, self-propelled carriage on caterpillar locomotion gommatiGruppo–engine
Hydraulic unit with a dual function, equipped with a combustion engine, 4-stroke, 5Hp power that allows both the movement of the instrumentation (using rubber tracks: 5 speedsforward, one backward) that the operation of the same. For ease of use the equipment can also be supplied with the standard ECU board half.

Sampler percussion
Sample die of PVC Ø 40 x 350 mm for undisturbed samples up to a maximum depth of 5-6m

Axle with wheels
For journeys in the yard of the motor unit and the steering column (max 950 mm; weight 6.5 Kg)

Group Probe GS30
The probe assembly slides on the guide column and hydraulic mining anchored to the ground, allowingthe continuous use of corers coclea.E ‘consists of:a comfortable head rotation enhanced (50kgm of torque), mounted on a trailer, fully automatic;
four core barrels screw Ø 38×1000 mm;
six extension rods increased diameter (Ø 25 mm)

Group Static penetrometer 25 kN (2.5t)
It is an innovative system of investigation of the subsoil; this instrumentation allows data acquisition of Rp static using the tip and the drill string a dynamic penetrometer DM30.L’ancoraggio ground instrumentation is via a cable Helicon driven into the ground by a hydraulic wrench in dotazione.I data are detected ona pressure gauge high precision and reflect (in perfect analogy to traditional static penetrometer) to an advancement of the tip of 4.00 dl cm.La thrust capacity ofthe system is 25 kN.